Before our filming process we had to research the thriller genres. It taught us about the different thriller conventions and it's sub genres. We looked into detail to sub genres, as a group we decided to look into film noir thrillers, we liked the the concept to a film noir thriller as it is shot in black and white, we had to research its conventions, camera angles, shots, lighting and more. The research stage is important because it gathers our information together and we can adapt it making it better.
After our research stage, we started our planning process. There were many difficulties to this stage, this is because as a group we all had to decide what our storyline was going to be, we changed our storyboard numerous of times, however we eventually all agreed to one. Our planning process included mind mapping, spider diagrams and storyboarding. Our original ideas was originally filmed at a cinema as our narrative for our opening however we didn't stick to this plan as the narrative changed a lot throughout the process to suit our setting. Storyboarding was important, by planning each shot before hand, we can understand what we are aiming to achieve and have something to build on, also we wrote on the back of each shot what camera angles and shots we were going to use so we wouldn't forget to film them, whether the angles should be a upwards angles or a downward angle,whether the actors she be positioned in a close-up, medium or long shot. However we planned out the storyboard quite well we didn't use it much as it slowed down our filming process, we were making up what we were doing more than looking at the storyboard.
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Monday, 21 April 2014
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
This is our filming schedule we will be filming in the school's drama studio. The schedule tells us when the studio is free to use, this helps us as then know for definite when we can film in there and we wont be wasting time asking when we can use it and we know when everyone is free.
Filming Day 1
Our first day of filming was during our media lessons, our actors were in lesson so we decided to film a scene in which non of the actors were required. The first shoot we filmed was of me playing on the piano, involving me playing moonlight sonata, the music is very dark and evil which fits into our title sequence, after playing the piano Prada immediately closes the curtains, the closing curtains indicate an interval at which point the storyline became twisted. After putting this on and editing it, we decided to re-shoot it again but extend throughout some of our film adding to the intensity of the murder.

There were a numerous of times when we had to re-shoot the scenes over again. We had to re-shoot many of Jack and Simran's scene when they are in the car, this is because we couldn't figure out what shots would look best. However after a numerous attempts the shoots went better as we now knew what shots to do and we have a wide range to choose from, eliminating the chances of having to re-shoot it.
Detailed StoryBoard

Jade has redone our storyboard in more detail as we thought our first storyboard was lacking detail so we re did another one and improved it. our new storyboard shows the shots in more detail and how we are going to film it with the camera angles.
This is each step of the storyboard explained:
-Introduction- the logo of our production company (Hoyile Production)
- showing the audiences feet walking into the theatre
- Long shot of theatre with people scattered around
- Connie and Roy sitting next to each other in the theatre
- Curtains close for the intervals of the play.
- Roy glances down at this watch
- he assures connie that he will back and leaves the theatre.
- Women dressed in red (Rose) waiting in the lobby
- They walk closely together silently, and exchange money
- Roy departs her, walking towards the electricity supply
- The theatre is pitch black and we hear Connie screaming
- Connie is dead, with banknotes scattered around of with blood
- Roy exits the theatre, whilst wiping blood of the knife
- He gets in his car and drives away into a distance

This is the logo Jade created for our production company for 'Forever'. Prada came up with the idea that we should use 'Hoyile' as our production name. Hoyile is my name in Chinese, the whole group really like this name as it is unique and nobody else has this name

This is the logo Jade created for the studio that distributes 'Forever'. P.E.J stands for Prada, Emily and Jade. All the names are included in it except mine this is because we used my Chinese name for the production company.
At the start we had planned that I would be playing on the piano for 2 minutes long. It is non copyright as we recorded it ourselves, we decided this as a group and we all agreed, it is non copyright, we did not get any of the audio online, this includes the scream Jade did.
Improving Camera Shots
In our title sequence there were a few shots we didn't put in, one of them was the establishing shot. However we had difficulties with this as we left it till last minute and we only had the chance to film it once, the shot was not of good quality, therefore we did not use this shot, however we have included several different shots.
final media as level coursework - forever
This is our final and finished Title Sequence, I hope you enjoy.
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