Thursday, 23 January 2014

Film Noir (continued)

Film Noir consists of for main factors these are:
1. Character roles
2. Narrative themes
3. Iconography + Mise En Scene
4. Technical conventions

(1) Character roles:
Film Noir consists of different characters:
-Cynical Protagonist
Hard heated, cynical, selfless, lonely, physically tough. Usually meets a beautiful femme fatale who draws him into dangerous situations. Is physically or mentally damaged usually due to a past trauma or experience.

-Femme Fatale
An attractive and seductive women, especially one who will ultimately cause distress to a man who becomes involved with her. Often uses her sexuality to manipulate the protagonist into becoming the fall guy

-Corrupt authority figures
A character within a position of authority and trust. This status is often abused for their own personal gain. This role reflects the mistrust and paranoia narrative theme.

(2) Narrative themes
-Mistrust and paranoia
-Bleakness and depression
-Reflection and effects and consequences

(3) Iconography+ Mise En Scene

- Dark sidewalks
-Rain drenched streets
-Flashing neon signs
-Corrupt and hostile urban

(4) Technical Conventions

-Low key lighting 

-Voice over/narration 

-Shadow cast by Venetian blinds

Non linear- First person narrative

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