Sunday, 29 September 2013


So what is editing? Editing is changing the narrative and to manipulate your original ideas. It is part of the post production in making films/t.v. In many films/t.v, editing has changed to portray things in indifferent ways to create meaning for the audience. In scenes they use camera cuts to create certain effects. In horror films they like to use jump cuts this is because it builds up tension, creates shock and surprises the audience.
In class we watched 'supersize me', because of editing what we see is not actually what happens. In the scene we see his sick on the floor however we did not actually see it come out of his mouth. Scenes can be changed to change a characters action to manipulate the audience to create different meaning.

1 comment:

  1. Can you comment on the use of ellipsis from the clip Tiffany? Can you focus your attention to editing being the area where meaning is ultimately created and how it positions audiences into following the narrative and the way the story is being told? I think this post can be developed a little more.
