Thursday, 10 October 2013

Terror In The Night

In our lesson we were put into a group and made our own storyboard for the film 'Terror In The Night'. We had to make up our own story line which had to be horror related.We also had to decide what cuts we would use for every picture we drew, they were either jump or straight cuts.Jump cuts are used in a lot of horror films because it grabs the audiences attention and creates more tension..

Afterward we changed the positioning of our storyboard by putting the 4th picture at the beginning but because it didn't make sense we nearly changed the whole sequence of the storyboard. By looking at the storyboard now and before we can tell that the story has completely changed, this means that the audience will view the characters in a different way because we have positioned them in a different order.

Our story related to a few narrative theorists:
Strauss- There are binary opposites, 'Man/Women' 'Good/Bad'
Todorov- follows the classic Hollywood narrative; order and setting

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